And nine simple things I want to do before I grow too old.
Will you accompany me??
1. Travel Route 66 and visit all the kooky stops along the way.
2. Visit some light houses
3. Grow our own fruits & vegetables
4. Learn to sew {I'll have to ask your mom or me grandma}
5. Learn to surf better. I can get up and ride the wave- but I want to be able to get really good!
6. Teach kids to dance. Maybe open a little day class during the summer! I can teach hula! Or maybe ballet!!
7. I want to be scuba certified- It's helps that you already are :) when we travel we can scuba!
8. Lets go on a game show like The Price is Right! kk!
9. Visit every state! (We can drive through the boring ones if we so wish)
love wife
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