

Don't worry, be HAPPY!

Dear husband,

I'm not a fan of negativity. I try to be as optimistic as possible, but sometimes it's hard.

Can we as a family promise to learn from and love any challenge God may give us???

I remember seeing this 'ABC's to Happiness' poster in a professors office once. I took a glance at it but due to my
poor vision, I really couldn't see much. Without thinking anything of it, I stumbled upon the poster while purosing the internet yesterday. I absolutely love it! It speaks such truth!
So.. here it is- not in poster form of course.

Accept you reality
Be present. Be bold

Create something exciting
Drink plenty of water. Dance

Exercise daily. Eat fresh foods

Feel you emotions. Face fears
Go outside and observe nature. Give

Hug often. Help others
Ignite your passions
Jump through your comfort zone
Kiss passionately. Keep moving forward
Laugh. Love. Learn to let go

Meditate daily. Make goals
Never give up on what you want
Own a pet. Observe beauty
Pray. Paint. Play and instrument

Quit a bad habit. Quiet your mind
Read. Relax. Reinvent yourself
Smile. Sleep. Simplify

Take power naps. Talk wisley and kindly

Unleash your strengths
Vent. Visualize your dreams

Walk. Write. Watch the sun set
Xerox your smiling face
Yell less. Yield to your
Zap negativity

ove wife

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