I don't know about you but I'm ready for a change of scenery.
Somewhere that we've never visited.
I love potato-a-go-go land but at the same time I'm ready to move on. I'm ready to plant some roots.
And I don't know where I'd like to live...
actually we both don't know where we want to live.
Somewhere with a warm beach would be nice...
But I also want some land so we can have a garden, some chickens and a cow.
We've both decided on no big cities and that it must be sunny and warm at least 300 days out of the year.
So.. theres only one place I could think of.
Perhaps Kaui?
It's not as crowded as O'ahu
but just as beautiful.
But.. there are a lot of pros and cons about living there.
I guess we'll just have to pray and see where the Lord wants us to go.
Love your paradise dreamin' wife

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