The other day I stumbled upon an some pretty odd but alluring wedding rings.

And I found some strange but funny wedding band engravings via e-weddingbands.
Some of my favorites are
- Your mine sucker!
- Happy now? Good.
- My muffin, my husband.
- Say bye-bye to freedom babe.
- The key to the chastity belt!
- No dead sharks here. (What the heck?!?)
- Bow chick bow wow.
- Seemed like a good idea at the time.
- Pull my finger.
- One word. Vodka.
However, when life gives you coconuts(crazies) make some dang good piña colada!!
So thank you to all those coconuts out there for making me laugh and providing me with endless amounts of that refreshing Spanish drink!
Love your chastity-belt wearing, piña colada drinking future wife
P.s I am absolutely in love with the perfect man and the gorgeous ring he picked out for me.
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