The hubsters went down to cougers-a-gogo land to tour some houses.
Hopefully the one we've been eyeing is everything we've hoped for and more..
I stayed behind to accomplish the many project and papers I need to get done before finals annnnd to take care of the pups.
Unfortunately the pups decided to be super hyper/ annoyingly needy and I felt like doing nothing but chilling in my yoga pants and reading blogs.
So.. not much school work is happening… yet. {thats what Saturdays are for right?}
Tonight I was dream summer wardrobe shopping.
Of course I added things to my shopping cart,
but did not buy a thing.
The whole poor newly married college student thang kinda sucks sometimes.
Especially when you visit the alluring Anthropology website.
I had to resuscitate my wallet 3 times because it feared the high prices.
So I moved on to my next favorite store Ruche.
Super cute clothes for decent prices!
And oh my!
Do I want 80% of their selections.
Here are a few of my favorites from their spring collection!
Oh! and the last skirt is from forever21! I had to add it!

A girl can dream right..??
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